100 Morning Affirmations for Powerful Results in Success and Self Love

woman sitting on rocky beach saying morning affirmations

Morning affirmations can help you prime your mood for the rest of the day. It is a practice that can help you consciously ‘wake up on the right side of the bed.’ Doing affirmations in the morning is also powerful because upon waking your brain is still in a more suggestive state. Imagine a thought … Read more

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How to Be More Confident and Stop Comparing Yourself

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others… How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others…

In the age of social media, it is harder than ever to keep our eyes on our own journey. While it’s okay to have a role model, here some tips to keep from comparing yourself to others in the gym (or online) The ‘everyone is better than me’ complex. More than any time in history … Read more

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27 Powerful Money Affirmations To Attract Financial Abundance

How can I attract money instantly?

Are you wondering: How can I attract money? Do affirmations work? Can money affirmations make me rich? Yes and no. As humans, most of our thoughts are re-living memories. We play familiar patterns in our heads that trigger dreams, hopes, desires, and feelings like happiness, procrastination, or fear. These loops become so automatic, it can … Read more

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27 Money Mantras To Inspire Financial Freedom

Empowering money mantras

Do you secretly believe your aren’t worthy of a higher salary? Or, that cash corrupts, greed is evil, business is a scam, money is scarce, or receiving wealth means it’s being taken from someone else? If so, clinging to these limiting beliefs is probably holding you back. Below are 27 affirmations to help you create tracks deeper than any disempowering narratives no longer serving you.

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